Ballet Classes

How to find the right Ballet Classes for you?

2 min to read
  • Teacher Qualifications.

Finding qualified teachers is the most critical element in the search for a dance studio. It is OK to ask about teacher’s experience and qualifications. You might also want to ask about recommendations from other students.

  • Structured Program.

Make sure that your class covers all fundamental, such as placement, alignment, and positions of the feet and arms in a very comprehensive form. Your class should be moving with a gradual progression, meaning that the most challenging steps are presented when you are ready both physically and mentally.

  • An Educational Focus.

During your class, pay attention if your teacher explains the meaning of the terminology. Possibly, briefly takes you to a history of ballet. Could tell where a music from that is used in class.

  • Class Size.

Look at the class size. More than 20 students in class will mean that teacher won’t be able to give you much individual attention. Around 12 students per class is ideal for the teacher to observe each student and for the student to get the most out of it.

  • Disciplined Environment.

To get control over your body, you need to learn to take control over your mind. If you are able to think about thousands of other things during your class, it may not be the right class for you. Ballet requires your full attention and focus. If all your focus was given to your practice, it is the right class for you.

After you found the right class, we will continue talking more about what to expect next.