
What to expect at your first ballet class?
So, you found an instructor and a school that is just right for you? What’s next? Here are some basics. If you never took ballet classes before you might think right away about point shoes and tutu and start getting worried that it’s going to be way too hard. Of…

How to find the right Ballet Classes for you?
Teacher Qualifications. Finding qualified teachers is the most critical element in the search for a dance studio. It is OK to ask about teacher’s experience and qualifications. You might also want to ask about recommendations from other students. Structured Program. Make sure that your class covers all fundamental, such as…

5 Benefits of Ballet
Ballet has a great number of physical, mental and social benefits for participants. However, quite often people feel like if they haven't learned ballet as a child then they've somehow missed the boat. 1. Ballet Body Ballet engages the entire body from head to toe, with each exercise at the…